Photo Project 365

This is a photo blog focused on but not limited to study of composition and tonal relations in photographs.

It is a continuation my Project 365 from 2010 a moderately successful attempt to make and publish one photography each day for one year.

The Project lost it's steam somewhere half along the way and this place became a depository of my more satisfying photos.

Click photos to enlarge.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

D 130 - Old Pair

I did it! I managed to think thrice before I pressed the shutter. And despite, or maybe due to that I was able to produce some pleasant photos.

This is a pair of old trees on two sides of a pathway in a park. Once again they sprout buds in the Spring. They will keep doing that every year until they fall down.


E-510 with ZD1442.
Converted from RAW in Lightroom: tone curve, contrast, sharpness and effect of blue light filter in color mix.

What I learned

It feels different than before when I think about the the shot and walk to and fro and around the subject to pick the best frame. When I try to visualize the photo and consider exposure elements to make it right in one shot.

Before I felt lucky and quickly snapped at what I thought was interesting. Then I checked how it came out on LCD, didn't like it, corrected setting or position and shot again. And so on until reaching a plausible result.


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