Photo Project 365

This is a photo blog focused on but not limited to study of composition and tonal relations in photographs.

It is a continuation my Project 365 from 2010 a moderately successful attempt to make and publish one photography each day for one year.

The Project lost it's steam somewhere half along the way and this place became a depository of my more satisfying photos.

Click photos to enlarge.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

D 122 - Back-lit trunk

A trunk of an aspen with a stick pushed in from the top with the camera put low on the opposing side to the setting sun.


E-510 with ZD1442.

What I learned

Golden hour ftw.

At some point you begin to think that you don't even need a subject to get a nice photo at dusk or dawn. It may be even true. All in all, what your sensor registers is light, not the subject.


Previous photos